After well over ten years, I finally decided to change my check design. I know, I know. What a bourgeois thing to be discussing in this age of Iraq, Darfur, that bridge in Minnesota and Lindsay Lohan returning to rehab, but hey, I like to think globally, act locally halfway down the block on my side of the street. One doesn’t get to the ripe old age of 36 without making a few changes here and there.
Notice the kanji stand for peace, prosperity, longevity and purity. If the Check Gallery had really wanted to reflect this particular customer, they would have found ones that meant hot-tempered white trash with a family history of stroke, cancer and hypertension who gets downright slutty after a few drinks. But I guess those qualities don’t scream financial security.
Now, I’d show you which design caught my fancy after all this time, but because a) I’m paranoid, despite posting a picture of my former checks above and posting a picture of myself below and b) my bank requires me to log in before I can access an image and I can never remember my personal ID or password, I’ll just use my powers of observation to describe it to you: four different designs of Spanish tiles in the background, a bold curvy orange-colored font, and all the key words (like amount or date) in Spanish. I think it’s called Artistic Images. Hmmm…Afternoon Siesta? No, maybe Moorish Delight.