“SO sorry I’m late–traffic was un-freaking-believable. Crazy accident on 1-10, slowed everything for miles! Why do people gawk at trainwrecks, so unrespectful. So uncool! It wasn’t even a horrid one, really. A pickup truck and two regular sedans, two ambulances and three or four sheriff’s cars, tops–no, I think one was a trooper.
They had blankets wrapped around the shoulders of the two people talking to the deputies–college-aged girls, one sort of looked familiar so my heart stopped but actually I don’t think Dylan knows her because I called him and he recognize any of the cars I described– probably the EMTs were worried about shock or something, but if it was shock shouldn’t they have been sitting down?
But other than that, I didn’t see any blood or serious injuries, though–this is what worries me–the seriously injured or even someone who was killed might have already been in the ambulance, because there must have been more than two people in the three vehicles. No wonder the one girl was crying, you don’t get over a thing like that, even if you weren’t the driver.
I’m thinking what happened was the truck was headed eastbound and hopped the rail over to the westbound lane, and hit one of the sedans, and then the other rear-ended the whole accident, from the looks of it. That had to have been it, because of the way the cars were spun plus the BMW was pretty accordianed up in more than one place, and you know they are built fairly solid.
Guess they didn’t have the rich man’s Darwin computer that helps them avoid an accident turned on, heh! Aren’t you absolutely sick of those commercials? Do BMW drivers fall asleep when then drive THAT often? Or is it Lexus? Someone should study why narcoleptics tend buy overpriced sedans.
Anyway! God, I hope the driver didn’t fall asleep at the wheel before hopping the rail into the other lane, because how could you forgive yourself for that? There’s really no excuse for that kind of–is it selfishness, or lack of awareness? Horrible.
The Jaws of Life were on their way for all I know. I’ll check the news later when they might release names, there’s no way a camera could have arrived at the scene very quickly, with the traffic like it was. It’s just so ridiculous that people who don’t even know the people involved were rubbernecking, why do people do that? I hate people like that, so low rent, it makes me sick.
Sorry it made me late. I’m saying, today better be a quiet day, because I’m worn out already. You know how I hate drama!”